artist statement / poem

I relate and respond

I search and re-search 

I am bound and re-bound 

Balanced between here and now

Shooting from the hip

Dancing and waiting to dance

Physical instincts arise and fall

Expectations fade

Energy recycles

And I am an artist


Smooth fluid


Caught flow

Bones go

Skin go 

Info upload

Quicken breath

 Track response










I am the rock.  

I am the body.

I am the artist.  

Through exploration, dialogue, practice and collaboration I acknowledge the many fears, pleasures and mysteries we experience through the human body.  I care greatly about making an accurate, beautiful image, but I prioritize honesty, improvisation and authenticity in the process of making still images.  For these reasons, I think carefully about the experience of the subject and how we might interact while crafting art. Through my dance/choreographic work I have developed scores, rules and explorations to guide my subjects into a natural state of being, rather than posing or getting a specific premeditated image.  Even afterwards, when the images are uploaded to my computer, I limit my manipulation and edits so it looks like it felt in that moment. To be clear, none of these images were processed in photoshop. No skin retouching, no spot removal, no major “corrections.” These “imperfections” are meant to be part of this work.  When I see the images I reflect back to that exact moment, with those people. How we made it matters to this work.